Erika Olivas at Our Hands sculpture in Chico CA
"Our Hands" sculpture located in Chico, CA

About Me

Erika Olivas holding up a piece of obsidian in the Black Rock Desert at Massacre Rim

Hello all! This page is here to share a little bit about me,

My name is Erika A. Olivas-Walker a local to the Carson City, Nevada area. Over 6 years ago I found the Emotion Code and Body Code created by Dr. Bradley Nelson. My life has been on an upward spiral ever since! These modalities paved the way for my healing and changed me in a profound and transformative way. I use Emotion Code and Body Code modalities primarily in my practice but I have expanded my gifts by studying, researching, and experiencing other modalities as well.

Having a never-ending hunger for knowledge not only helps me on a personal level, it also grows my skills on the healing level allowing me to tap into deep traumas and hidden energies for profound change and rapid shifts for my clients.

How I Can Help You!

Have you ever been anxious? Maybe you have suffered the loss of a family member and have had a really hard time getting over it. Perhaps you are going through or went through a tough break-up and you need some clarity and direction. If you answered yes to any of these questions than I can help you.

Together we will dive deeply into the emotions and energies keeping you stuck in behavioral patterns. By releasing stagnant energy, and limiting beliefs we will see healing and change. We will tap into a wide range of topics including generational traumas, energetic fields, and thought patterns.

Your healing doesn’t stop at our session, after your session, I supply you with simple and easy tools, tips, and tricks you can use daily to help cultivate a deep and loving connection with yourself and the world around you.

I am a guide on your healing journey, it is up to you to practice! The exercises, meditations, and videos I provided will propel your healing. This is where we find the most change!

Together we will transmute trapped energies and emotions, getting to the root causes of some of the most difficult topics in a non-judgmental, and safe environment.

My goal as a healer is to meet every person where they are to move toward who they want to be. I am committed to being your partner on your healing journey, together we will uncover the hurts and heal scars and wounds.

Join me today in person or on Zoom and lean into loving yourself!

Wanna Hear about what my clients have to say? Click here to read testimonials!