Have you ever seen a homeless person out on a hot day and given them a water bottle or money for a meal? Ever seen a person drop one of their valuables, like a phone or wallet, and given it back to them? I can say from experience that the most humble and genuine feelings come from random acts of kindness. Helping others not to be confused with being taken advantage of.
Volunteering at church, or even at your kids’ school functions, provides a deep gratification; it can be very satisfying and sweet. In my psychology class I read about studies being conducted. People were assigned to either buy things for themselves or buy things for others. The group buying things for others were significantly happier than the group buying for themselves. I can feel the truth that rings in that study. Finding opportunities in different ways to spread love and joy actually creates more love and joy!
I write this blog with the intention that it will reach someone that needed to hear what I have to say at the perfect time. I hope that it helps them in their journey through life. Thinking that someone will take these words and turn them into a wonderful day or a growing experience gives me peace and joy.
So how are random acts of kindness healing? Our hearts are lightened, sharing with others creates a joy than spreads from person to person. Make it a game, random acts of kindness, find opportunities to help another person whenever and however you can. Holding open a door, giving someone a smile or kind word, complimenting another person on their stylish choice in color or clothes. Acts of kindness don’t have to cost money. They can range from actions to just kind words, like a simple hello or how are you today?
So I leave you to ask yourself ‘What can you I today to spread a little love and joy?’