Time and time again I am astounded by all of the wonders we humans have the skills to create. Our imagination is the most fundamental tool, our minds an aid to creation, we are blessed to share our talents. By thinking outside of the box we welcome different ways to put parts of ourselves out there for others to share and experience. Learning and growing, no matter how small or big the step in sharing talents with the world, creates gifts that imbues its creator the honor of giving to others. Whether it be a colored picture, baking cookies, or just words of wisdom and kindness, we are able to manifest the fun and playful side of ourselves into the world around us by sharing.
I want to ask you, what do you create? What talents are you using to spread the joy of your creation? How does it feel to serve your best meal to others? Dishing out plates with satisfaction, knowing the people you are serving will not only be fed but will also be satisfied.
Take a minute to slow down, think about who you want to see smile that sweet smile that can only come from a meal that is made by your own hands with your unique and special touch. Creation is a talent that presents itself in more ways than you could think of. We forget we are all great at something. If you think you don’t have any talent its probably because you need to stop and pay attention.
Daily living gets in the way of cherishing those contributions that only you have the ability to share. We all have opportunities to use that awesome math skill that some of us lack, “I am us,” others have a crazy cool way of creating music, remembering details, or just being friendly. We create not only material things but we create a different energy, a vibe.
Creating, contributes to ourselves and others. We are all beings made to create, one way or another we create and contribute to our surroundings. Creating is a healing gift for yourself and others. I hope you stop and think the next time you do something that makes you feel good, the kind of good that feels all warm and fuzzy, the sweet sensation in the center of your chest that radiates out like a brilliant beam of light.
Hold that feeling in your heart and think about why it feels so good. Let it flow through your body and warm your soul, then, create. Create the beauty that only your hands can create, think the thoughts that only your mind can think. Allow yourself to feel the bliss and think of ways to recreate that feeling; make it your own. Today think of 3 of your favorite ways to create and let loose!
Until next time. Namaste