Collective Healing for Self-Love
Collective/Programmed Emotion: Self-Righteousness
Collective/Programmed Emotion: Stress
Collective/Programmed Emotion: Foreboding Joy
Collective Emotion: Grief (Repressed grief)
Collective Emotion: Overwhelmed
Collective Emotion: Taken for Granted
Goddess Blessings Sacred Unions (Seeds of the Spirit By Barbara Brennen 1999)
All of those here who have created union with another human being, please rise, whether or or not that human being is in the room.
We bless all of these beautiful unions that you have created in loving relationships to each other. For it is in the union of two people that great love is created.
This love existed forever. It will create blessings for you to tap into whenever you may feel disillusioned.
Remember, disillusion is only illusion dissolving.
Collective Emotion: Anxiety
Into the Chrysalis (Seeds of the Spirit By Barbara Brennen 1999)
You may have noticed that very deep, long-term issues are arising from within…. Very basic, simple challenges that have been here built upon and made to appear more complicated through certain life experiences, yet they are very basic.
All of the extraneous circumstances that appear to hold these challenges in place have been dissolved. Yet the inner challenge remains.
It is time to surrender to organismic healing of a deeper nature
You now are entering self-dissolving similar to that a caterpillar experiences upon entering into the chrysalis. For it is only by deeply dissolving into formlessness that new creation begins.
Self-Righteousness: Convinced of one’s own righteousness, especially in contrast with the actions and beliefs of others who narrow-mindedly moralistic
Grief: intense emotional suffering caused by loss, disaster, misfortune, etc.; acute sorrow; deep sadness. It is a universal reaction to bereavement, even among animals. One feels that a part of himself is gone also. The needs of one in grief are first, freedom to express his feelings; and later support as he tries to build a new life.
Grief is often complicated by feelings of hostility, guilt, and depression, especially is the individual has ambivalent feelings toward the loss.