Energies: Will to Decline (Health, mentally, emotionally)
Emotion: Frustration (Frustration of failure: Any failure is frustrating and may threaten our feelings of worth)
Emotion: Confusion
-Disorder; upheaval; tumult; chaos; lack of distinctness or clearness; perplexity; bewilderment; a disturbed mental state; disorientation.
Emotion: Love Unreceived
-Feeling unwanted, not cared for; not accepted. Not feeling loved can lead to insecurities, anxieties, and a lack of confidence. A healthy person has both self-love (not selfishness) and love for others. A person can feel lack of love from self (and not know it) as well as from others. Also a feeling that love expressed is rejected.
Self-Abuse: The self is the object of the abuse. This can come in many ways: masturbation; to mistreat the body by use of addictive substances; to not care for the body by lack of sleep, proper diet or nutrition; to work beyond what one can or should endure; to punish or tax oneself excessively.
Energies: No will to receive support
Emotion: Bitterness
-To contradict, be in opposition; clash; disagree; to fight, struggle or battle; prolonged strife; antagonism or opposition between interests, values, principles or goals; discord of action or feeling; incompatibility or interference; a mental struggle arising from opposing demands or impulses.
Emotion: Fret
-A tendency to worry, feel irritable, disturbed or discontented; suffering emotional; wear and tear; feeling troubled; a wasting away with worry that is non-productive and usually does not lead to a solution; to fuss over someone or something; impatient or irritable; passive opposition.
Emotion: Inferiority
-The belief or feeling that one is low or lower in station, rank, degree, or grade (usually in comparison to someone else); a lack of self-esteem or self-confidence. (Note: Feelings of inferiority can cause problems in interpersonal relationships as one may be over sensitive to comments, or make an exaggerated effort to prove one’s own adequacy and worth boasting, showing off ot being hypercritical of other people.)
Emotion: Self-Abuse
-Verbal self-abuse, saying hurtful or demeaning words, or thoughts to yourself. (this is my own definition/ description)
Emotion: Worthless
– Of no importance or value; without excellence of character, quality or esteem; serving no purpose. To feel worth as a person is a basic psychological need. We need to feel that we are important. If one lacks a sense of personal worth, one becomes negative, critical, discouraged and apathetic and sees little meaning or challenge in life.
One-to-One Zoom Session
Connection Zoom Call
With Love, Light, and Blessings
Erika Olivas