Collective Healing
Energies: Will to be alone
Emotion: Bitterness
Emotion: Failure
Emotion: Hostility
The Inner Work By Mat and Ash The Yoga Couple Page# 186
Thus the final step out of pride is made through accountability and humility. It takes courage and humility to admit our fears, insecurities, and mistakes, and through the revealing process of self-honesty, we develop true power and respect. As we summon the courage to face our vulnerabilities, we move into the positive, liberating themes of consciousness that bring empowerment, participation, purpose, meaning, love, and happiness to our lives.
The Inner Work By Mat and Ash The Yoga Couple Page# 207
The New Narrative
I want to be the best version of myself. I want to positively impact the world. What I do matters. I have something unique to give. I have talents to share that were given specifically to me for a reason. I uplift others. The more I give the more I enjoy. My involvement benefits the world. My dreams and ambitions were given to me for a reason. I have a unique purpose. I am motivated. I am inspired. I am needed. I am driven. My future is positive and bright. I can do anything I set my mind to. I am a success. My life is a success. I am talented. I am capable. Anything is possible. I have no limits except the ones I place on myself.
Bitterness: A feeling that is hard to bear or is grievous; a bitter sorrow; a feeling causing pain; something experienced at a great cost (a bitter lesson); a feeling of resentment; being cynical; a harsh, disagreeable acrid taste.
Failure: One who falls short of success or achievement in something expected, attempted, desired, or approved; nonperformance of something due, required, or expected; deficiency; can be a person who is insolvent or bankrupt (Note: The well-adjusted person is better able to admit their faults than poorly adjusted individuals who are more apt to feel threatened by undesirable traits such as failure. The person then has to reject or distort such perceptions in order to maintain a favorable self-picture.)
Hostility: To be opposed in feeling, action, or character; to be antagonistic; not friendly or hospitable; enmity; resistance. The origin of hostility usually lies in frustration and can result in aggressive action. “Hostile feelings are often a justifiable and normal reaction to a difficult situation, but sometimes they are the result of immature attitudes and unrealistic expectations. An immature person is easily upset and angered by minor delays, disappointments, discourtesy or hostility in others, or sudden changes in plans. A mature individual is able to see molehills as molehills and not mountains… we often grow up feeling guilty about our hostility and try to deny it, or don’t know how to cope with it. Hostile feelings may wear many masks such as nagging, hyper criticalness, a readiness to belittle and disparage; to hold grudges or be prejudice.” Hostility can indicate an underlying feeling of inferiority and/or emotional immaturity.
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