Collective Heart Healing
Rigid Character: Not knowing our core essence exists
Collective Emotion: Anguish
Collective Emotion: Suspicious
Collective Emotion: Cognitive Dissonance
Energies: Searching for Love
The Inner Work By Mat and Ash The Yoga Couple Page#187
I take accountability for myself. Accountability is my greatest strength. There is no competition. I don’t have to prove anything. I am humble. My life is a gift. All progress is a gift. I face my insecurities with courage. My vulnerability is powerful. There is enough for everyone. Others do not need to lose in order for me to win. We can all win. My way is just one way. I don’t always need to be right. I am happy for others. I celebrate the success of others. I empower others. I enjoy others’ victories. I use my abilities and talents to support and serve others. I do not need to earn love. I am innately loved. I give love to others. Love is my natural, effortless state. There is no shortage or lack of love. I build others up.
Anguish: Severe mental or physical pain or suffering, severely distressed about something
Ohm meditation to help fill ourselves with love.
One-to-One Zoom Session
Connection Zoom Call
With Love and Ultimate Light,
Erika Olivas