December 31

Collective Tarot Reading for the Collective

Spirit Cards Oracle Deck By John Moseley

Fire Spirit: Passion, Purification, and Energy
-Ignite your passion this year, purify yourself and your soul to start a new year with a new beginning, and clear your energy to help uncover the best version of yourself.

Wolf Spirit: Wildness, Freedom, and Belonging
-Be your wild self! Dance in the rain, sing at the top of your lungs, and as you continue to build yourself up you will find where you belong. You will belong within yourself as well.

Deer Spirit: Awareness, Sensitivity, and Gentleness
-Become aware of yourself and others. Building a relationship with yourself will help your build relationships with others. Be aware of what you need and what you want to help you move forward and build. Being sensitive to your needs will ripple out and teach others how to be gentle with themselves too. Stand in your sensitivity to help you bring out a different side of yourself. Gentleness is controlled strength. It takes power to be gentle, loving, sensitive and kind. Stand in your power and build the sensitive side within.

Medicine Woman: Nurturing, Healing, and Restoration
-Nurture who you are and who you want to be. This will bring you healing and restore you and the people around you. When you have taken care of yourself you have the ability to take care of others. Put your oxygen mask on first!

The Divine Feminine By Meggan Watterson

Sarada Devi: The Divine Mother Unconditional Love Exists within ME. The presence of love is the absence of judgement
-Be in love with who you are and don’t let judgements hold you back or hold you down. You are eternal love. The more you love the version you are today, the more easily and effortlessly you can love others around you as well. Look at what you need to heal within yourself and love those parts to wholeness. T

When your soul selects this card: Unless we are willing to really meet with these aspects within us, the universe will keep presenting them to us in our relationships. And it’s not to pi** us off, it’s to free us. It’s out of a deep love for us to fully heal. The goal here is to love ourselves fiercely from within, without judgement or shame for where we are in the moment.
When we do not take the time to pour into ourselves, we will face those wounds in every relationship that is presented to us. Love who you are and find peace within yourself and your relationships.

Hestia: The Goddess of Sanctuary No Matter Where I am, I am Home. The Most Sacred Sanctuary is Found Within Me.

Hestia created the concept of sanctuary. It’s considered a sacred obligation to shelter and protect those in need. She wants us to seek those situations that allow us to feel a sense of being home, or she wants us to create that form of sanctuary for someone else.

Hestia wants you to let kindness pervade your thoughts. She wants you to light a small fire in the center of yourself and feel safe in calling your body home. She wants you to be able to seek sanctuary within. She wants you to come home to yourself, and give yourself the love that you effortlessly offer others. Hestia is the call to become the calm harbor for your beautiful soul to thrive.

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With Love and Ultimate Light,

Erika Olivas

Aurora Heart Healing LLC

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