The Wisdom of Avalon Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid
Partnership: When you receive the blessings of Partnership on this part of your journey, it’s a sign that the object of your inquiry may indeed give you what you need. It’s portent of opportunity, where the partnership exceeds the potential of the individual.
You’re put on notice to seek connection in all things. This is the coming together of ideas, the fulfillment of attraction, the marriage between two people, and the harmonious blending of energies.
The Novice: The novice reminds you that you need to stop and ask yourself, “What lesson must I learn here?” The lesson is always mirrored in the experience in front of you. Dig deep into the inner workings of whatever situation you’re inquiring about. You don’t have to look far, for the answer is right in front of you.
Before moving forward, perhaps you need time to journal your thoughts and receive clarity about what the Mystery invites you to learn. Then rejoice! The Novice of Avalon is on a path to higher knowledge and abundant manifestation and doesn’t stay a Novice for long.
The Bee: Remember that you also create your own luck. That is, effort is essential as you progress along your path in order to make your dreams a reality. The Bee is industrious, busy creature that’s always making honey. The Bee “gets busy,” and that honey will soon be yours. The Bee is always a fortunate omen.
The Stag: The stag asks you to be a leader, be proactive (with the highest intentions), and to always ask, “What is the highest good for all?” Arrogance and its reverse are both places of alienation and ways to avoid responsibility and accountability.
Love: This marker reminds you that you’re as connected to all of life as it is to you, and that you’re responsible to be the steward of the love of the God/Goddess. Love is without conditions-it is respectful, mindful, sees all life as sacred, and acts in accordance. Love reminds you that this very planet is a living being.
Love is the very essence of the Divine in you, and it sees the Divine in others. This is the time to see through the eyes of Love and always ask before you act, “What would love do?” The answer will always bring you extraordinary power.
This marker is a very fortunate and transformative omen.
Life Purpose Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue
Creative Expression: Your soul longs to express itself creatively
Study: Reading, research, and education help you gain confidence and clarity about your career (or life).
Career Change: You’re embarking upon a career (or life change) that brings you joy and abundance you desire and deserve. (Open and lead with your heart)
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With Love, Light, and Peace
Erika Olivas