Building emotional awareness cannot only be liberating, but it can also help lessen the impact of significant change in our lives. Through this eclipse season, I wanted to help others navigate the energies and turbulence we are experiencing. I hope this video can help you become more vulnerable with yourself and help you answer some deep questions about how these emotions are helping you navigate your life through a solution-oriented perspective.
Dread: To fear greatly, to be very reluctant to do, meet, or experience, terror or apprehension as to something in the future reverential fear.
– How is this dread preventing me from enjoying a more fulfilling life?
-If I do not face this feeling of dread what will be the outcome?
Empty: Feeling exhausted, drained, hollow a great; a void or absence
-What makes me feel passionate and fulfilled? Am I doing that thing regularly?
-How much time do I spend on social media, watching TV, or scrolling versus having face-to-face communication?
Frustration: Losses are especially frustrating because so often they are beyond our control
-What is this frustration telling me? About the way I view the current situation? Is this a recurring frustration? How can I be solution-oriented with this frustration?
I hope this helps all of you navigate these emotions! If you would like to have a one-to-one session click the link below to schedule from anywhere around the world!
One-to-One: Zoom Session
With Love, Light, and Blessings!
Erika Olivas