September 17

Finding Freedom Through Emotional Awareness, Navigating Dread, Emptiness, and Frustration

Building emotional awareness cannot only be liberating, but it can also help lessen the impact of significant change in our lives. Through this eclipse season, I wanted to help others navigate the energies and turbulence we are experiencing. I hope this video can help you become more vulnerable with yourself and help you answer some deep questions about how these emotions are helping you navigate your life through a solution-oriented perspective.

Dread: To fear greatly, to be very reluctant to do, meet, or experience, terror or apprehension as to something in the future reverential fear.
– How is this dread preventing me from enjoying a more fulfilling life?
-If I do not face this feeling of dread what will be the outcome?

Empty: Feeling exhausted, drained, hollow a great; a void or absence
-What makes me feel passionate and fulfilled? Am I doing that thing regularly?
-How much time do I spend on social media, watching TV, or scrolling versus having face-to-face communication?

Frustration: Losses are especially frustrating because so often they are beyond our control
-What is this frustration telling me? About the way I view the current situation? Is this a recurring frustration? How can I be solution-oriented with this frustration?

I hope this helps all of you navigate these emotions! If you would like to have a one-to-one session click the link below to schedule from anywhere around the world!

One-to-One: Zoom Session

With Love, Light, and Blessings!

Erika Olivas

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If you’re ready to take the first step toward healing and reclaiming control over your life, don’t wait any longer. Reach out to me today, and let’s start your journey together. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, past trauma, or simply feeling disconnected, I’m here to provide the support and guidance you need.