September 23

Heal Ourselves to Heal the World (Collective Healing)

From The Inner Work By Mat & Ash The Yoga Couple

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves -Carl Jung

Emotion: Blame (Putting responsibility on someone or something else so the one doing the blaming does not have to take responsibility)

Energies: Will to win (No matter what)
Inner Child Saftey Emotion: Frustration (With delays, delayed gratification)

Energies: Divine Masculine
Emotion: Heartache (Physical pain in the chest/heart)

Limiting Belief: I believe the worst-case scenario is going to happen to me. I’ve been hurt in the past and now I am assuming I’ll keep getting hurt.

Instill: It is also possible the best scenario will happen. My past does not define me, I trust and believe in the goodness of life.

take time to reflect on how these energies and emotions are affecting your life today and how you can release the limiting beliefs that keep you from living with more love within. Believe in the goodness in life today and watch how it unfolds before you!

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