As we all know water is one of our biggest necessities, and the human body is comprised of roughly 65% water. When we are drinking it do we ever think what is my water saying to me? I know for me personally these days are better than allot I had in the past, ever since I learned the effects our thoughts have on everything around us; I have drastically changed my thoughts to match the world I want to see formed around me.
Early on I was privileged in that I was exposed to things that helped me learn more about the world around me. My curiosity drove me to search for the answers to a couple questions I think everyone wonders, “who am I and why am I here?”
In my search for these answers to those questions I came across Dr. Masaru Emoto author of, “The Shape of Love” and the way that what kind of energies our water is exposed to is what it will become. I have embedded the video below for your viewing pleasure 😊.
I started experimenting with writing positive words on my water bottles and adding rocks to my water. The results were incredible!! I could taste the difference! I wrote ‘I love you Erika’ on my water bottles and the water actually tasted different. I was not only excited but shocked as well. I became eager to try other positive words and phrases to my positively charged water, later on graduating to the addition of healing stones; for the healing path to adding love and joy to my life with intention and natural remedies.
I wrote messages to myself and my children and saw their faces light up when drinking the delightful crisp water, even my sister was surprised by the taste of the positive message in a bottle. I even felt that the water was somehow more satisfying and quenched my thirst much more than water without it.
Around the same time I was learning about the effects of sound and thoughts on water I was invited to a party where a friend introduced me to a contraption I have yet again to see since then. The small pitcher of water sat on the counter, the stones were barely visible and easily missed if not paying close attention. I was offered some water and I accepted eagerly, we had all been out hiking and the heat of the day had me thirsty, before he poured the water from the pitcher he pressed a button and the water spun around whirling around small stones in the form of a little tornado. Confused I asked him what that was and why he was putting rocks in the water. He was Filipino with a thick accent and he laughed as if I was asking a silly question. “where are you going to get your minerals if you don’t?”
A light bulb went off in my head connecting the truth of his statement to the video I had seen not too shortly before that interaction (the one embedded above). Don’t you love synchronicities? I struck up a conversation and learned that he too was into holistic health and wellness. He added the stones to the water and they acted as filters that added minerals to the water that we do not get from the stale steel, copper, and PVC pipes that typically transport our water. I listened to his reasoning and agreed, and I also found that the water had a crisp and enjoyable flavor with an added bonus of bubbles (almost like extra oxygenation) was added to each sip. I was so impressed with the machine I searched for one on Amazon but I have had no luck in finding one like he had in his home.
Years later and the concept of water infused with things made its way back in the shape of strawberries, lemons, oranges, cucumber and other various kicks. I have enjoyed all of these great additions to my water, but to me none are as good as adding a variation of natural rocks to water for a natural spring water taste and feel. Shaking a bottle of water with a shungite stone in it helps remove chemical pollution and heavy metals specifically in H2O!
I recommend you all try a variety of different stones, and prayers on your water. Writing “I love you” or “you are amazing” on the outside of your water bottle can help revitalize cells that need a little extra TCL to help you feel rejuvenated and alive.
I hope this article helps you, and I would love to hear any feedback from any readers that have tried this or who are going to experiment with this after having read my article!!