October 28

If Healing Was Easy, Everyone Would Be Doing It

If healing were easy, everyone would be doing it. Thank you for doing it courageous and brave ones!

We all came here to experience the depth and variety of emotions. If that is the case, shouldn’t we know how to navigate and feel them?

Fear: A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil or pain; the threat may be real or imagined; timidity; respectful dread, awe or reverence a feeling of uneasiness, disquiet, anxious concern; to be doubtful. An unpleasant emotional state characterized by anticipation of pain or great distress. A condition between anxiety and terror. Fear can stem from a feeling of helplessness, immobilizing us. A specific danger usually elicits fear, A danger that we cannot pin down and define tends to elicit anxiety. Anxiety is internal and so vague that one can sense danger but not identify it.

The Inner Work By Mat and Ash The Yoga Couple Page # 103-104

Our Habitual Themes

We call them themes of consciousness because the vibration you settle into will paint a consistent energetic pattern, or theme, throughout your life and will continue to show up whenever an opportunity presents itself. These themes will stay with you an entire lifetime unless you consciously address them. Just as good soil will bear good crops, your thoughts, words, feelings, desires, habits, and interests are intrinsically rooted in a theme of consciousness. Negatively charged themes will produce negatively charged thoughts, feelings, and actions, while positively charged themes will produce positively charged thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Within each theme of consciousness, root program beliefs will find validation, support, and expression through our repeated thoughts feelings, and actions. This then creates neuro-programs that we begin operating on subconsciously, hence the term autopilot. All of this makes up our subjective experience of reality. If we are not aware of this process, we will naturally think the problems of our life are coming from “out there” when really it is all coming from our internal theme.

One-to-One Zoom Session




Love, Light, and Blessings!

Erika Olivas

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If you’re ready to take the first step toward healing and reclaiming control over your life, don’t wait any longer. Reach out to me today, and let’s start your journey together. Whether you’re struggling with anxiety, past trauma, or simply feeling disconnected, I’m here to provide the support and guidance you need.