March 21

Nature and Its Power to Heal:

I love nature and its healing properties. Even on my worst days taking a long drive around the famous Lake Tahoe or driving up to a desolate road to watch the stars has been one of the most healing experiences I could ever ask for. There is something profoundly intimate about actively listening to a river flow, the water crashing over the rocks, the tides rushing in and out of the shore. Just looking at the clouds as the sun sets, its radiant rays kissing clouds with fiery touches of color, those views set my soul free. The vast expanse of space is moving and humbling.

We are all made up of elements. Our ancestors knew we are one of many gifts this world has to offer. We are not only connected with the natural world around us we have an open and mutual relationship. Our wiser ancestors understood that food was harvested, it gave people the chance to reap what they sow. They had the opportunity to take in the energy they had put out. Being connected to the earth creates peace and harmony that is essential for the healing and balance of ourselves. Taking deep sweet breaths of the crisp, clean air of the mountains, reaching out and touching the trees bark and being aware of the rough exterior brushing against your fingers. I have found that listening to the wind rustling through the leaves brings me a sense of calm and peace.

Nature is a natural healer, its electromagnetic field is constantly charging our environment, we are all connected, we all share the same energetic fields. What energies are you surrounding yourself with? How can you incorporate receiving renewing energy from earth in your day to day living? Today I get to share with you how I get my nature fixes and hope it helps you too! 🙂

1.) Walking barefoot: taking off my shoes and walking around in the grass, or in the sand at the beach is one of my favorite ways to get connected to the earth around me. The soft mushy grass between my toes or the gritty sand creates a sort of friction, the energy rises through my feet that spreads throughout my whole body. I recommend you try it! Walk around like a kid again.

2.) Touch the plants around you: Every plant has its own energetic field, they release something essential to our survival, oxygen. Allow yourself to experience the feel of the leaves over our skin, water flow over your fingers, feel the sensations and absorb the energies that are created by the movement of life. Communicate with the world around you connect with all of your senses, allow the natural world to overrun them all.

3.) Immerse yourself in nature: Hikes, walks, go to the beach. Connect with nature around you and get lost (not literally) in its beauty and wonder. Nature is free, wild, pure, being in it, is like getting back to the basics. Find the spot that makes the world’s problems fade and let your imagination run wild. See yourself running through the fields and let your vision become a reality. Lather yourself with sunscreen and sit on the beach, or lay in the sand and read a book under an umbrella, just get out.

4:) Mommy hacks: Take walks on your lunch breaks. Look at the clouds before you get in the car and all of the kids are already buckled in so you have even 30 seconds of sky gazing. Arm in the sun palm up. Your palms have Chakras, allow yourself to feel the warmth seep through your skin and know that you are receiving vitamins and nutrients through your skin. If you have little ones go to the park or take walks. Not only are you burning some of their energy but also incorporating healthy habits for them too.

Heal through the power of connection to the very source of our survival. Our bodies were not made to sit in a chair, behind a desk, all day with little to no sun. Soak in the sun let it caress your skin. Get wet, get dirty, feel the wind and enjoy. Heal your body and watch as it becomes energized and vibrant!

-Forget not that the earth delights to feel your bare feet and the winds long to play with your hair. —Khalil Gibran.

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Energy, grounding, healing, nature

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