The Inner Work By Mat and Ash The Yoga Couple
Practicing Presence
Gratitude to Evoke Presence
The most powerful attitude and outlook on life is gratitude. In the state of gratitude, there can be no suffering. There is no lack nor fear. There are no limitations nor enemies. Gratitude sees all with perfect trust and acceptance and takes in the glory of the moment through being present with what is. Presence can be reached at will if we decide to simply take moments throughout our day to shift our inner narrative to one of gratitude and humility. This is most easily done by dropping deeply into the current moment and taking in all the overlooked, beautiful details of life.
Meditation for Presence
Meditation is simply sitting with the intention of watching the mind. It is a great tool to develop acknowledgment of awareness and to access states of presence. In order to strengthen our ability to maintain awareness and presence, we simply practice the self-reflection exercise we did before. Gradually extending the time we can sit watching the mind and withdrawing attachment to it. Instead of attaching to thought as mine, we observe them impersonally. “A thought of shame arising. A feeling of fear coming up.” It all just is. Nothing to do, nothing to change, nothing to figure out. Just observe. We become the sky and stop identifying with the temporary, passing clouds in a sense.
Thoughts are only discernible if they move in a field of nonthought. The background of the mind is therefore the silence of the field of consciousness itself.”
-Dr. David R. Hawkins
To learn more about being present or to release emotions that are preventing you from being more present in your body Click the links below. With all the love and light. We’ve got this!
One-to-One Zoom Session
Love, Light, and Blessings!
Erika Olivas
Aurora Heart Healing LLC
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