What is intention and how can it be healing?
The definition of intention is: a thing intended; an aim or plan. When on my healing journey I heard so many different people say set your intention and it will come true, or stand firm and set your intention and you can achieve anything. I learned to believe it when I joined the Matthew Hussey Retreat in 2015. I was an awkward person that just wanted to be loved and understood. I found myself wishing I was someone else and looking for ways to escape my reality, until I learned the vital healing tool of setting intention. There I was among strong, smart, beautiful women in a room headed by my dating coach Matthew Hussey. I was elated, I was watching the man that started me on a path of self discovery and I soaked up each and every word.
During the week we participated in different activities that helped us find ways to become the people we wanted to become. From the effects our growth would have on the people around us, to the ways we could make small changes in our everyday life to attract the things we wanted. There I was met with the challenge that changed my life. He instructed us to create a plan to incorporate all of the changes we wanted to see in ourselves. Being comfortable speaking in public was one of the things on my list, I volunteered to stand before the room and tell them how I would set my intention to become the best version of me and reach my goal. Setting intention isn’t about changing our whole lives in one day, it is about changing little things each day to obtain the end result. My main goal was to be the best mom I could be for my kids. I wanted to learn how to love myself so I would never be in an abusive relationship ever again.
During that week I mapped out what my new life would look like and I took small steps each day to make it happen. I wanted to be smart, so I bought books and read so I could learn something new, making it a point to read at least a page each day. I wanted to spend time with my kids so I walked them to the bus stop 2 blocks away instead of driving. I got the opportunity to converse with them while reaching my other goal of staying physically active. I went to a local church and took parenting classes to learn what it was to be a better parent. I looked for local resources that would help me feel better about myself; choosing libraries and painting classes for social interaction, instead of bars and night clubs.
With the small shifts I started seeing changes in myself. Walking my kids to school gave us the opportunity to talk and become more loving and open. I walked more often, especially when it was a short distance; I thought hey I’m saving on gas and getting exercise! I stopped trolling the parking lot for the closest parking spot available and parked further; I justified it with additional exercise.
Six years later and the small intentions I set formed a new me. The woman that spent endless hours scrolling through Facebook was now reading books instead. The mom that yelled, screamed and spanked her kids learned how to talk and listen. The woman that did not love herself now does and always will, even when facing challenge and adversity. From shy and reserved, angry and bitter, to a leader in changing the world around her one day at a time.
Intention, small steps toward an ultimate goal. How is it healing? It heals our view of ourselves and the world around us. Setting the right intention can transform the world around us to a caring and kind one. Healing our hearts from the past and pushing forward to a new future. Changing yesterday and creating a new and beautiful today.
Thank you for reading and I hope this motivates you to set your own healing intentions moving forward. Don’t forget to check out the link below to read Matthews amazing book Get the Guy!