Collective Healing
Focus: Are there any trapped emotions or energies that we can release to help support healthy discernment?
Energies: Schizoid Character Defense, weak boundaries
Emotion: Perfectionism
Hidden Emotion: Blame
Instill: I am human with human emotions
Message: Sacred Contracts By Caroline Myss Page 91
In a fascinating a fascinating footnote to Luke 22:43-44 in the New Jerusalem Bible, long renowned for its scholarly accuracy, the editors state that some translations have omitted the verses referring to an anguish so great that Jesus’ sweat resembled drops of blood. The reason indicated was primarily ” concern to avoid a humiliation of Jesus that seemed too human.” The idea that Jesus could suffer the same kind of anguish as the rest of us at the presentiment of intense physical and psychological suffering was apparently too embarrassing for some New Testament translators to acknowledge. Yet the fact that Jesus suffered in that way and still was able to release his will to the “necessity” of his contract makes the passage all the more remarkable.
Abundant Ever After By Cathy Heller Page 203
My friend Deborah is a successful screenwriter, and she said something to me that I’ll never forget, she said, “There’s only one thing you have to do to make the audience hate the character, to stop rooting for them. Do you know what it is?”
“I don’t know.” I admitted.
“Make the character perfect. If the character is perfect, by the end of the first act, the audience will turn on that person; they will have no sympathy for them, and likely no interest.”
“Interesting,” I said. “So then, what makes a character loveable?”
“Flaws. A character who messes up and can laugh at themselves or can keep going despite their imperfections will have the audience rooting for them all the way.”
Energies: Wounded Child World View
Emotion: Hopelessness
Emotion: Confusion
Angel Numbers By Kyle Gray Page 235
Angel Number 772: Bring the whole of yourself to your relationships. You need to be present and open at this time. Relationships are about giving and receiving, and your angels want you to be less distracted and more present for the meaningful experiences of your life.
Emotion: Anguish
Emotion: Victim
Emotion: Hopeless
Emotion: Confusion
Blame Defined: When you blame something or someone else for something in your life you become a passive victim of circumstances, and you make it very difficult to do anything to change your situation.
After all of that I want you to remember to journal! Ask yourself various questions to help you gain clarity in what you want and need in your life.
What do you want spirit?
Who am I?
What are my favorite qualities?
Who do I want to be?
These questions can help you gain clarity and move through confusion. You’ve got this!!!
With Love, Light, and Blessings
Erika Olivas
To schedule your one-to-one session click the link below and I’ll see you via Zoom!