As a young child I was known for angry outbursts, awkward conversations and periods of crippling shyness. Feeling unheard, unaccepted and rejected helped aid the conclusions I had drawn for myself which kept me from becoming who I was really meant to be. Going from one emotional extreme to another created a wild roller coaster, and my personality was the ride. Depression, self harm and continuous thoughts of suicide were all a daily struggle, I experienced ups and downs that seemed to have no happy ending. I can’t say everyone could be so lucky to have had the epiphanies that lead me to the path of peace, love and understanding, but I can say that I want to share them with you today.
Here I was heartbroken. I was gripped with the pain of being left yet again. Questions ran through my head, “why is this happening to me?” or “will I ever be lovable” those thoughts were mixed with feelings of self loathing, anger and the resolution that no one could ever truly love me. In my desperate search for answers, I began to binge watch self help videos, read books and listen to gurus to figure out why I was in the position I was in.
While stumbling through videos I happened upon E-motion on Gaia, and my perception of energy and the human body was transformed. After being totally absorbed by this movie that changed my world view I then read the book “Emotion Code” by Dr. Bradley Nelson. That book further altered my perception of emotions, reality, and ultimately my life. I learned that emotions are chemical reactions in our body and they are what form our daily interactions and relationships. Before reading and later practicing the emotion code my emotions were severed and discarded, never to be felt again (or so I thought). I couldn’t identify happiness from depression and anger from joy. The pain from feeling unloved was crushing and the uncertainty was even worse.
I then started practicing energy healing. I saw my life go from chaos and panic, to peace and tranquility. Who could have ever thought that learning how to identify the emotions we go through could change the way we lived with them on a daily basis? As I began to recognize traumas I had faced as a child I started to behave differently. I released humiliation from the girls making fun of me in the locker room, and realized I no longer needed to feel humiliated for my 11 year old self. I let it go and began to feel comfortable in my beautiful golden tan skin. I released rejection that come from the kids that didn’t show up for my birthday party in middle school. I stopped thinking that everyone would leave me sad and lonely; instead I started to see those that surrounded me with love and light, and began to feel it too. I slowly let go of emotions that had built up inside on me over the years, that created barriers preventing me from seeing who I really was and who I was turning into. I started making peace with my past which helped me embrace my beautiful present, and find hope for my future. Day by day I worked on each emotion facing ridicule and judgment from my peers for thinking so far out of the box. The way I was feeling would not deter me from continuing my journey, instead it strengthened my resolve to stand in myself and allow myself to be who I was meant to be.
I started to see the sadness in the faces around me, the fears, the guilt and pain; and my heart opened up to hear them, only to find that they are not so easily healed when those feeling it had put up walls to protect them from feeling at all. I struggle at times seeing pains that can be healed with recognition, but I also feel the hope that shines bright when I meet people that accept the healing I have to offer. Today I have healed hundreds of bright souls and look for opportunities to heal others still.
The realization of how emotions effect us and how we can handle them has given me the power I never knew I had, until I was able to wield it through guidance and love for others. I can say that if I hadn’t learned how to release the past I wouldn’t be living my best present. Today look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself what are you holding onto? The day you were made fun of by the popular girls? The feelings of sadness rejection, hopelessness and the struggle of not fitting in? Does that feeling creep up on you in social gatherings today? Do they quiet your voice when you should be speaking your truth because you were blessed with a voice that was meant to be heard?
Every moment and every choice is up to you. What do you choose? Do you choose to ignore the feelings and think they will go away or will you stop and say to yourself “hey, that shit you went through was fucked up. I love you no matter what. You are strong, you are beautiful, you are a relentless soul that against all odds made it. Even if the world seems to have hurt you that one time I love you and I got your back.”
Take your emotions by the hand and make peace with them. They are not wicked or ugly, and they do not need to be hidden. Stand strong in them. Feel them and then say thank you for serving your purpose, and then say good bye because they were never meant to hang on your back like a 10,000 pound gorilla. They were meant to be felt recognized then released. Help yourself live your best life by loving you, seeing you, and being you!
Thank you for stopping by. I hope this will help anyone that is struggling today.
– Blessed be –
Click this link to start your own healing journey with Dr. Bradley Nelson today. I hope that you find peace and healing too (disclaimer: as an Amazon affiliate I may earn from qualifying purchases).