Healing takes many forms. Being joyous and happy, or down and depressed. Healing can look like the eye of the storm or a walk in the park with family and friends. I came from a place of deep depression and sadness; I realized that without those times of deep agony I could have never appreciated the good times as much.
Pain, grief, anger, and depression are all healing. Feeling lost can actually help heal your soul you just have to look at the light at the end of the tunnel to find it. Allowing yourself to feel the deep hurts gives you permission to grieve, and the grief creates space for healing.
Before working on myself I saw the world through the eyes of an angry child. I threw tantrums and fought with the idea that things were not going my way. I saw every thing and everyone as a battle I had to win. As a manager at a local restaurant I felt like if I didn’t act like I was superior I wouldn’t be accepted as one. I struggled with the feelings of being unworthy and unlovable. I held my head up high, and my nose up higher, while feeling worthless and depressed on the inside.
What made me change? Adversity. Challenges. Pain. Looking to the past, I see the way pain and anguish helped build my character and changed, and is still changing my outlook on life.
Being someone that still struggles with feelings of belonging I see how my own behavior at times made it easy for others to discard me. I recognize that building armor to guarantee I would not be hurt blinded me to the way I effected the world around me and created more hurt. Arrogance and pride, taught me to be humble and mindful.
Using emotions to cultivate our lives gives us the bravery to express and build from them. Feeling unloved is like walking through a desert without water. You see the mirage, an illusion that cannot actually be reached, but settle for the illusion so you don’t have to face the reality.
Step back and say to yourself “I love you, I trust you, I respect you and honor how you feel.” The way pain is viewed and expressed can either cripple you or make you stand taller than before. The difference between the two outcomes is how you perceive the challenge. At times it gets hard, the weight of the world feels overwhelming, the way I want to live seems just out of reach.
We all struggle differently. Grief has made me look at myself and ask ‘why is this happening? How can I make this better? What am I contributing to my situation?’ Asking those hard questions forced me to look at the common denominators. Heartache, sadness, pain, emptiness walked me through how to grow wiser, how to attract a better future for myself and those I love the most.
Challenge your thinking. Admitting when we’re wrong creates a release. Making amends with our mistakes creates a better future. Obstacles exercise our muscles; we condition resilience and grit. Through hard times our roots grow strong enough to whether the storm. In good times we learn to appreciate the sun and learn to enjoy the seasons. Good time, bad times, and everything in between, bring gifts in their own little way.
I appreciate you for reading. I hope it inspires you to live it and share it. May this bring a smile to your face and a warmth in your heart.